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Art Show at Red Tree Gallery

A few weeks ago I got an email from Red Tree Gallery asking me to submit some of my work for their illustration show.  I think that they probably got my name off the Cincy Illustrators Blog and I was thrilled to be asked.  I haven't had anyone ask me to show anything before!  But that meant I needed to get things prepared.  Most of my paintings have the original used frames with them but some of them didn't come with frames at all. Luckily, I was able to find some great gems at the local salvation army.  In a past life, I used to be a picture framer.  It was one of my favorite jobs.  So I was able to use my framing skills to get all the paintings mounted and wired and ready to show publicly and not just in my basement.

My next conundrum was price.  I have no idea how to price my work.  My instinct is to price low and I think that is only because it is hard for me to ask someone to buy something that I might not be able to afford.  I didn't go to art school so I have no guidance to fall back on for this.  So I called a dear friend and artist to get some help and she was able to talk up my prices.  We'll see if they sell....

I dropped the paintings off on the last day for submissions near the end of the day which meant I was able to see all the rest of the work that was submitted for the show.  It was fun to see the variety of work that was out there in Cincinnati.  As I drove away from the gallery, I felt a slight tinge of fear as I had never dropped off my work anywhere.  It's not like I keep stuff in a vault or under lock and key, but for a second it felt like I was dropping off my children for the first time.  The floor gives out from under you a bit.
The next morning, I saw that my name was on the list of accepted work.  I was off for the day with my daughter Gertie so on our way to the zoo, we stopped off to at the gallery to see my paintings on the wall.

I have to admit, it was pretty cool to see my stuff up on a wall properly.  Gertie tried touching one of my paintings and I had to explain to her that you don't touch art in galleries.  I told her that they didn't know they were my paintings.  Being 3, she was confused.

So if anyone is interested, the show opening gala is this Friday April 11th from 6-9 and runs for a month.  So if you want to see my work in person or purchase something you like, please head down to Red Tree Gallery.  I appreciate any support that I can get.



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